Risks - Axis 4
(Bernard Gauriau et Sophie Lambert-Wiber)
(Sophie Lambert-Wiber)
The issue of environmental protection has become a major concern, as evidenced by the many awareness-raising initiatives that have led to major legislative changes. For example, ecological damage is now enshrined in the French Civil Code. The seriousness of the damage caused to nature, and the risks and threats to the survival of the human race, mean that we need to reconsider our relationship with nature, which has been instrumentalized, commodified and overexploited. Stopping the destruction of the planet requires a renewed conceptual framework. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate environmental risks into public policy and corporate strategy without delay.
Professional risks
(Bernard Gauriau)
In labor law, various processes imposed on the employer must take into account occupational risks in order to prevent or discuss them.
1– The document unique d'évaluation des risques professionnels (professional risk assessment consolidated document), which has taken on added importance since the 2021 Occupational Health Act.
2- The economic and social database (BDSE) now includes an environmental component: since the Climate and Resilience Act, the environmental impacts of a company's activity are included under various headings of the database (environmental policy, circular economy, climate change).
3- Mandatory collective bargaining also requires that this issue be taken into account. (Annual negotiations on professional equality between men and women, quality of life and working conditions; negotiations on jobs and skills planning).